What is somatic sexological bodywork?
Sexological Bodywork was developed by Joseph Kramer as a diploma course at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Human Sexuality in San Francisco and has since evolved into a certified practice across the world.
It is the exercise of guiding adults to connect with their bodies, sexuality, and inner experience through a combination of internal awareness, communication, touch, breath, sound and movement. This trauma-informed therapy combines neuroscience, coaching and Taoist practices to have profound results in people's ability to clear blockages and experience joy and pleasure from their own source.
The sessions are led by the client, and may or may not include full body touch, which allows you as the receiver to explore pleasure and sensations whilst letting go of the pressure of sex. This is a space to learn and ask the questions you have always wanted to ask.
Boundaries and consent are at the foundation of this work, so in this process you will learn how to trust yourself and communicate your needs.
I will support you in re-examining habits, beliefs, and experiences, which might have been relevant in the past to overcome traumatic circumstances, but are no longer useful for you now.
Sexological bodyworkers are fully clothed, wear gloves for genital/anal touch and work only with one way touch.
There is no sexual or romantic exchange between practitioners and clients.
Sexological Bodyworkers
are fully clothed during the sessions
wear gloves when touching genitals
only work with one-sided touch
work trauma-sensitive
In person session 1:1 - €120 per hour
Sessions last between 2 - 3 hours
Discount available for low income earners, please get in touch if you are interested in this work but can not afford the given rate.