How can I support you through pregnancy and post birth?

As sexological bodyworkers I am trained in genital touch, so I offer perineal massage which is an important treatment to prepare the body for giving birth.

This should be done at least once a week from 35 weeks and can significantly decrease the chances of perineal lacerations or tears during birth. 

Whilst you may not want to receive from me every week, you can come to learn. I can show you how to perform this on yourself or with a partner, and also offer more knowledge to support and empower you in your sexuality during pregnancy and postnatal.

I often combine these sessions with a relaxing head massage and some embodiment practices to help you relax and explore the feeling of being pregnant in a soft and gentle enquiry of your inner landscape.

If you are struggling to travel I can do home visits in the Lisbon area!

support for pregnant people

Perineal massage…

  • uses organic almond oil to soften the skin

  • supports flexibility so you can stretch more easily during labour

  • is particularly beneficial if you are having your first baby


In person Session 1:1 - €90 for 90 minutes

Discount available for low income earners, please get in touch if you are interested in this work but can not afford the given rate.