What is ethical non-monogamy?
Ethical non-monogamy (ENM) is an umbrella term for the practice of taking part in romantic or intimate relationships that are not completely exclusive between two people and are also consensual.
This could be in the form of polyamory, open relating, swinging, polyfidelity, or being monogamish.
I have been in ethical non-monogamy relationships for most of my adult life, so I carry a breadth of experience in this field. I have been through many positive experiences and many challenges with open relating and polyamory and found gold in each one. As my tool kit for navigating ethical non-monogamy expands I want to offer this within my coaching. If you are thinking about opening your relationship, or struggling to navigate polyamory and other forms of ethical-non monogamy I am here to support you.
Types of ethical non-monogamy
Polyamory: A loving relationship with more than one partner
Open relating: When a couple are currently open to new romantic or sexual partners
Swinging: Couples “swapping” sexual partners
Monogamish: A couple that's mostly monogamous but might occasionally have sex with other people in certain situations.
Polyfidelity: A relationship between a group of people where all members are equal partners in the relationship, and no one has sex with or dates people outside the group
Polycules: Triads or throuples (groups of three), quads (groups of four), and vees (a three-person relationship where one person is dating two people, but those two people are not dating each other)
Threesomes: A couple brings in a third person to have sex with them, whether for a one-night-stand or regularly
Cuckolding: When a couple brings in a third party to have sex with one of the partners, often with the other partner watching
Casual dating or casual sex: When people casually date and have sex with multiple people, with everyone knowing that it's happening
Online Session for individuals, couple and constellations - €60 per hour
In Person 90 Minute Session for individuals - €90
In Person Session for couples and other constellations - €100 per hour
Discount available for low income earners, please get in touch if you are interested in this work but can not afford the given rate.