What is erotic awakening bodywork?

Erotic Awakening Bodywork is a whole body exploration that aims to awaken your erotic energy and connect you to your authentic sexuality, innate eroticism and orgasmic potential.

It was developed by one of my teachers Barbara Carellas who describes it as a ‘unique combination of conscious breathing, sensual massage, specific genital massage strokes (imagine genital reflexology) and energy orgasm techniques.’ 

This is a co-created experience that requires you to actively receive through sound breath and movement, and express your needs and desires with an open channel of communication.

In this session I will help you to set your intentions, which might be to heal, experience new sensory pleasure, to overcome blockages in your sexual energy, or acknowledging yourself as a sexual being. 

We will discuss boundaries and consent so I am clear with what you are comfortable to experience, and there will be check-ins along the way in case your boundaries change. The session can include genital touch, but does not have too.  

This can be a very powerful, erotic and spiritual experience, and as your body opens you may find that deeply hidden emotions emerge and release. You can have all kinds of orgasms like breast-gasms, cry-gasms, giggle-gasms, as well feeling ecstatic and joyful. 

Rather than moving towards climax or having genital orgasms as a goal, I will offer a Taoist practice towards the end of the massage called the ‘Big Draw’. This allows all the energy you have stirred up to be released through breath work and tension release.

You may experience a full body orgasm or go into an erotic trance state. Everyone’s experience is unique.

The Erotic Awakening Bodywork can be booked once you have had one introduction session with me. It is available for female identifying, LGBTQ+ and non-binary people. If you are not sure if this includes you please just get in touch and ask.

I follow the same guidelines as Sexological Bodywork in this practice, please see below.

tantra massage

Sexological Bodyworkers

  • are fully clothed during the sessions

  • wear gloves when touching genitals

  • only work with one-sided touch

  • work trauma-sensitive


Erotic Awakening Bodywork for individual : €120 per hour (2.5 hours minimum)

For female identifying, LGBTQIA+ and non-binary people only

Couples or Constellations Ritual: Receive bodywork from your parter/s and practitioner at the same time. Contact for pricing.

Discount available for low income earners, please get in touch if you are interested in this work but can not afford the given rate.